Wise Monkeys don't suck!

It’s been over two years since the 3 Wise Monkeys removed the use of plastic straws as part of our #wisemonkeysdontsuck campaign. An initiative that is close to our hearts, we set ourself the challenging goal of a reduction from the 154,000 single-use (plastic) straws consumed in 2016 to 10,000 (paper straws) in 2017.
Although we didn’t hit our ambitious target, we did reduce our consumption by a massive 72.4% – down to 42,500 paper straws in 2017. We would like to thank all of our customers who assisted in this campaign.
In 2018 we took a step further by supplying recycled napkins for our customers, eliminating the use of printed coasters and all single-use plastics available, and of course continuing to reduce our paper straw usage even further
Today the 3 Wise Monkeys have completely removed all single-use plastics from the venue. This is a major achievement for us, but it will not stop here. We are always considering new options to reduce our waste and give back to our beautiful environment.
The team at The 3 Wise Monkeys would like to thank all our customers for helping us along this journey